Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Interview Process

For this week's blog, I chose to read "It's Your Turn: What to Ask an Interviewer" and "How to Deal With Interview Stress". I wanted to read these two articles, because I thought that they would help me the most to prepare for future interviews. The first article, "It's Your Turn...," the writer shares appropriate questions to ask any type of interviewer. I have always heard that when the interviewer says, "Do you have any more questions?", that you are suppose to say "Yes". To me, it seems very difficult to have to come up with question right there to ask. This article gave specific questions to ask certain people in the interview setting. I have always wondered what type of questions that I can ask while interviewing for teacher positions. I already know what type of skills you have to have for the profession and what a typical day is like on the job. Some of the questions this writer discussed particularly dealt with businesses and companies, but I did get some questions out of the article. I could ask questions like, "How would you describe your ideal candidate?"

The second article, "How to Deal With Interview Stress," actually helps me the most in preparing for an interview. I am the type that gets very nervous before big events. After reading the article, I learned great ways to avoid this nervousness. Some of the tips the article gave were to arrive at the interview 10 minutes before it begins. It talked about how if you were to early or too late that you may become more nervous. I thought this was an interesting point. The article also talked about how you need to have pauses in the interview and not to panic. The article talks about not crossing your legs or arms during the interview. I can understand this point, because if you cross your arms or legs it may seem as if you are not a very open person or not interested in the interview The most important thing of the whole interview process, I feel, is to be confident and imagine yourself doing well in the interview. By reading these articles, I picked up a few tips that will definitely help when I start interviewing for my career.

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